Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich

Nicht das Heidi *

It’s not New York or Shanghai — it’s Cairo. Here are some tips and tricks for enjoying the cultural life of this great city without getting a headache or hearing loss.

Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich

Totale Phase

One of the most valuable things I’ve learned in my travels is that the best food is any destination is never at the fancy hotels. Follow the locals and you’ll eat well (and cheaply).

Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich Kurzprosa Ulrike Ulrich

Sagen Sie ihm das!

One of the biggest adjustments for me when I first started traveling was losing my innate suspicion of other people. I’d glad I did, because so much of my journey has been about the people I’ve met along the way.
